The name says it all! Designed by Derek Tirado, a National tournament top ranking player, and the founder & former owner of Your Turn Games, these Tabernacle Priests, who served the Lord and Israel with offerings, utilize strong protection and battle-winning offering enhancements, making it difficult for your opponent to defeat them. Frustrate your opponent even more by using evil wilderness characters, priests and kings to protect and hide meek lost souls!
See bottom for recommended cards you can purchase separately to help boost this deck’s theme!
Son of God (I/J)
New Jerusalem (I/J+)
Angel of the Lord (I/J)
Christian Martyr (I/J)
Led Astray (LoC)
Burial (GoC)
Lost Souls
The First (I/J+)
(6) Meek (I/J)
Aaron's Staff (CoW)
Urim and Thummim (LR) (PoC)
Offering of Wrongdoing (IR)
Covenant of Peace (IR)
The Courtyard (IR)
Taberah (IR)
Abiathar, the Survivor (IR)
Ahimaaz, the Swift (IR)
Ahimelech, Chief Priest (IR)
Ahitub, the High Priest (IR)
Eli, Samuel's Mentor (IR)
Phinehas, the Zealous (IR)
Ordained Priests (L)
Zadok, Ark Carrier (IR)
Captive Priest (FoM)
The Defender of the Saints (PoC)
Good Enhancements
Grain Offering (IR)
Sin Offering (IR)
Outpouring (PoC)
Phinehas' Spear (IR)
Peace Offering (IR)
Trumpet Blast (Roots)
Guilt Offering (IR)
Evil Characters
Jehoiakim, Puppet King (LoC)
Jehoiachin, the Conquered (LoC)
False Leaders (PoC)
Balaam, Son of Beor (IR)
Sabbath Breaker (Gray/Black) (IR)
Sabbath Breaker (Gray/Pale Green) (IR)
Sabbath Breaker (Gray/Brown) (IR)
Sabbath Breaker (Gray/Orange) (IR)
Evil Enhancements
Duplicity (GoC)
Distort the Truth (GoC)
Scattered (RoA)
Begging to Go Back (IR)
Better to Be Slaves (IR)
Clinging to Power (GoC)
Aaron, Peacemaker (IR)
Burnt Offering (IR)
Covenant with Moses (L)
Abihu, the Disobedient (IR)
Tenants Kill the Son (GoC)
Burning Fire (IR)
Solomon's Oppression (LoC)
Pretension (GoC)
Withered Seed (GoC)
Grumbling at God (IR)
Deck strategy and tips:
- The offense utilizes abilities that protect the Heroes from various evil battle-winning abilities. It also has decent banding options, which help add layers of protection to the offense.
The defense focuses on protecting and hiding lost souls from your opponent. Meek lost souls are used to help accomplish this strategy since there are several evil cards that target meek lost souls for protection and manipulation.
Use Aaron’s Staff to make your heroes CBN, which means their protect abilities are CBN!
Maximize the hero’s protect abilities by banding them into battle.
Equip Phinehas’ Spear to Phinehas pre-battle, then rescue with him to make the spear (and thus the protection portion of it) CBN. You can also equip the spear to Ahimaaz or Zadok pre-battle to add a layer of protection for them (or snag a resource from your reserve to help win the battle).
Zadok is a powerful rescuer. Use his ability to negate enhancements and also get a draw 2. Then, use your two CBP enhancements to help him win the battle while making it very difficult for your opponent to negate them!
- Balaam is a great way to “chump” block your opponent by snagging one of your three evil dominants from deck at the right time. Then, before your opponent or you play an enhancement, play the dominant to win the battle!
False Leaders (FL) is an amazing card! Play it to territory to activate its ability. Then, whenever your opponent uses a search ability, you can play an evil territory class enhancement on that character from reserve. Use the right enhancement at the right time. FL can also play one from discard pile if your opponent has hand advantage. A great play is once your opponent uses a search ability during his rescue attempt, so long as he isn’t rescuing with a meek hero, play Solomon’s Oppression on FL in territory to protect meek lost souls from rescue. It’ll be very difficult for your opponent to negate that card as it’ll already be out of play! And, you don’t even have to block with an evil character to win that battle!
A fun move is to block with Jehoiakim or Jehoiachin to protect the meek souls. Hopefully, you’ll still have initiative to play an enhancement. If you do, play Better to be Slaves to capture up to 3 of his characters—perhaps they’ll be 3 evil characters in his territory, so you can set up an easy rescue next turn; or a combination of that and heroes in his territory and/or one in battle (if there’s a band in battle) that are annoying. BtbS doesn’t have numbers, so you won’t be giving up initiative! Then, just let your character die by the numbers and win the battle while capturing 3 of his characters!
Use Sabbath Breaker (Black/Gray) to negate enhancements. Then, use Better to be Slaves, Grumbling at God, and Scattered as they are CBP/CBN!
YTG recommends the below cards as other viable options for this deck’s theme for Type 1 constructed play. You can view and purchase them by searching for them here!
Aaron, Moses’ Brother
Ithamar, Son of Aaron
Eleazar, Son of Aaron
Generations of Priests
Gamaliel’s Speech
Israel’s Rebellion
High Places
Sabbath Breaker (Cri/Gray)
Sabbath Breaker (LR or Roots)
Nadab, the Wicked
Fire Foxes